Stoneybrook Wallcovering Installation in Northfield

Jolene and I are excited about a new wallcovering material which we installed in the new Occupational Clinic at 710 South Division Street in Northfield. Stoneybrook paper comes in many colors and is simple for an experienced paperhanger to install. I have been hanging wallpaper since about 1989.

Jolene was able to find a color to go with the new carpet. While it does cost a little more than other wallpapers, this “torn” paper effect has real depth, will cover problem walls, and is very easy to repair. No more seams to deal with, either.

Because it is hand made to order, Stoneybrook paper must be ordered about a month in advance of installation. Careful Painting sells and installs Stoneybrook papers in the Northfield, Rochester and Mankato areas.